Community Projects

The Cambridge Foundation provides funds in support of many projects and purchases that go on in our community. We are very proud to be a part of the many ways that we have made our home town a better place to live! Here are just a few projects that the Foundation has been part of, and/or are still in progress.

  • Amundson Community Center construction
  • The development of Cam-Rock Park
  • The construction of the Cambridge Clinic (doctor's office)
  • Community Tree Fund
  • West Side Park development and maintenance
  • Lake Ripley Park maintenance
  • The construction of the Cambridge boy scout camp
  • Support of the Cambridge Community Library
  • The development of the Village of Cambridge Bike Trail
  • Lagoon restoration
  • The purchase of Cambridge School District band uniforms
  • The development of the Cambridge School District greenhouse
  • The purchase of computers for the Cambridge Elementary & High schools
  • Support of the Cambridge Community Theatre
  • Support of the Cambridge Food Pantry
  • The construction of the Cambridge fire station

Help us to continuously make our community a better place to live - donate today!