Foundation History

The Cambridge Foundation was established in 1947 and ever since, we've had a successful history of planning and executing our plans to make the Cambridge area a better place to live.

In the summer of 1947, 30 area businessmen joined together to form an organization that would "associate together everyone interested in the future of the community, and to provide a program of improvement and to bring about its realization." In its inaugural year, the Cambridge Foundation started with $3,000 in its accounts. From this humble beginning in 1947, the Foundation has donated over $3,000,000 for projects in the Cambridge area.

Today, just as it was over 60 years ago, the only purpose of the Foundation is to offer a permanent organization and to plan with others, a program of progress for this community and to receive gifts to bring about the realization of these plans. Review our historical distribution of funds, from 1981 to 2008 here! To review more recent grant distributions, click here.

You can help us achieve our important goal of making your community a better place to live by becoming a member or donating today.